One of the Westfield 350 activities is a Community Pancake Breakfast that will be held on Saturday May 18th from 7:30AM to 11:00AM at the Westfield Middle School (South). The breakfast will feature awesome food and family friendly entertainment and activities. Some of the plans include: music, balloons, face painting, coloring, puzzles, yard games, historic games, dunk tank, and historic photo frames for creating memorable family pictures.
We would like to get a breakfast voucher to every child in the Westfield Schools (public, parochial, private, and home school). Tickets the day of the event will be $3 for youth (elementary and intermediate school age), and $6 for adults (middle school, high school, and adults). Discount advance ticket vouchers (for classrooms of students) will be $2 and $4 each in bulk. Individual tickets will not be sold in advance.
We are asking our friends and neighbors to help buy breakfast for every child in town. Please make a tax deductible donation to cover breakfast for a class full of kids if you can. Cost for a class of 25 is $50 for elementary and intermediate, and $100 for middle school and high school.
Please make your donation using Visa, MasterCard, or American Express credit or debit cards on our secure Paypal payment system:
Your payments are processed by PayPal. We never see or retain your credit card number.
You should receive a Payment receipt via email within a few minutes of completing the transactions.
Thank You for helping make this a wonderful 350 event!